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Save Our Souls

In Heppeneert near Maaseik, Limburg, we built a sand sculpture with the words SAVE OUR SOULS for artist @maarteninghels commissioned by @z33be and @we_love_sand.

Maarten inghels: “It was no coincidence that I chose this place in Heppeneert. In 2021, the Meuse threatened to flow over the dike of the Limburg pilgrimage site. The emergency services reinforced the dike with sandbags, which just could hold up. The SOS that we know from books or films as the distress signal of castaways came very close to this.

Now from the same dike in the winter bed of the river you can see a 25 meter long image in sand: SAVE OUR SOULS. For me it is a pointless cry for help in these times of increasing floods and summer droughts. The fact that the artwork can flood or wash away is essential in this. It emphasizes our vulnerability to the immense power of the water. But it is also a reference to the pilgrimage site and the church nearby, where the salvation of souls is central. The artwork is part of the Kunst aan de Maas project”

Save Our Souls
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